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12 Beginner Concepts About Type Hints To Improve Your Python Code

12 Beginner Concepts About Type Hints To Improve Your Python Code Just like unit tests, type hints take developer time but pay off in the long run Photo by Arian Darvishi on Unsplash Python is a dynamically-typed programming language. This means that the interpreter performs type checking only when the code runs and the variable type is allowed to change […]
12 Python Decorators to Take Your Code to the Next Level

12 Python Decorators to Take Your Code to the Next Level Do more things with less code without compromising on quality Photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash Python decorators are powerful tools that help you produce clean, reusable, and maintainable code. I’ve long waited to learn about these abstractions and now that I’ve acquired a solid understanding, I’m […]
How to Serve and Deploy Machine Learning Models Easily

How to Serve and Deploy Machine Learning Models Easily Moving from Jupyter notebooks to production is not that difficult after all Photo by Fran Jacquier on Unsplash If you’re a data scientist, you probably spend a lot of time developing intricate Jupyter notebooks to perform data analysis, build complex training pipelines, or compute statistics. Jupyter notebooks are great for […]
Dead letter queue for errors with Beam, Asgarde, Dataflow and alerting in real time

Dead letter queue for errors with Beam, Asgarde, Dataflow and alerting in real time The goal of this article is showing a use case with a Beam pipeline containing a dead letter queue for errors applied with Asgarde library. For more details about Asgarde library, you can check this article : Read more
Event Driven Cloud Function : Load GCS file to BigQuery with Event Arc

Event Driven Cloud Function : Load GCS file to BigQuery with Event Arc The goal of this article is to showing a complete example to trigger a Cloud Function with Event Arc, when a file is uploaded to Cloud Storage. This Cloud Function will load this file to a BigQuery table with Event Driven pattern. I have often seen this kind of question […]
Create Service Accounts withCustom Roles using modular Terraform, Terragrunt and Cloud Build

Create Service Accounts with Custom Roles using modular Terraform, Terragrunt and Cloud Build The goal of this article is to create Service Accounts with Custom Roles in Google Cloud using CI CD pipeline and Infrastructure As Code. The use of custom roles is interesting because it allows us to follow the least privilege principle, which is to set only the necessary permissions. 1. Explanation of the […]