12 Beginner Concepts About Type Hints To Improve Your Python Code
Just like unit tests, type hints take developer time but pay off in the long run
Python is a dynamically-typed programming language. This means that the interpreter performs type checking only when the code runs and the variable type is allowed to change over its lifetime.
Although Python has always remained dynamically typed and was never intended to change this direction, type hints have been introduced since PEP 484 with the goal of bringing static type checking to the code analysis.
12 Python Decorators to Take Your Code to the Next Level
Do more things with less code without compromising on quality
Python decorators are powerful tools that help you produce clean, reusable, and maintainable code.
I’ve long waited to learn about these abstractions and now that I’ve acquired a solid understanding, I’m writing this story as a practical guide to help you, too, grasp the concepts behind these objects.
No big intros or lengthy theoretical definitions today.
How to Serve and Deploy Machine Learning Models Easily
Moving from Jupyter notebooks to production is not that difficult after all
If you’re a data scientist, you probably spend a lot of time developing intricate Jupyter notebooks to perform data analysis, build complex training pipelines, or compute statistics.
Jupyter notebooks are great for this and allow us to prototype ideas in no time.
But, what happens once you’re done with this work and you’re satisfied with your saved ML models? 🤔
This is where you start to think about deploying them to production. Have you thought this through when you started working?
Probably not. And you’re not to blame as this is not a data scientist’s core expertise. (although the industry is currently moving towards this)
Event Driven Cloud Function : Load GCS file to BigQuery with Event Arc
The goal of this article is to showing a complete example to trigger a Cloud Function with Event Arc, when a file is uploaded to Cloud Storage.
This Cloud Function will load this file to a BigQuery table with Event Driven pattern.
I have often seen this kind of question in the Google Cloud community on Stackoverflow, and through this article I wanted to help the community and show a real example while centralizing many useful links on this topic.